din:(noun) a loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise

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Published on 19 November 2024

din: (noun) a loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise

This might be one of my favorite SAT words, but I don't use it very much. But the recent clamor of “oh yes, we can do Gen-AI” from other regulatory writing software companies has made me put the word “din” back into my vocabulary.

ZYLIQ was created 4+ years ago… and back then we received a lot of “Is AI is going to take my job?” reactions to our Gen-AI automation. Now, the din of other software companies claiming that they too have Gen-AI for Regulatory Writing capabilities is growing to deafening proportions.

Before you put your fingers in your ear, we can help you cut through the noise.

Here's a way to get to effective Gen-AI for Regulatory Writing:

1. Make sure it's Closed-Loop AI (like ZYLIQ)

Any hint of open-source for regulatory docs will be a red flag for your IT department!

2. Ask for a case study/evidence of measurable acceleration

ZYLIQ has been proven to accelerate CSR completion by 70%

3. Ask how long they have been building

AI/ML model development and building medical writing-specific libraries takes time and refinement. Seek mature and proven solutions, like ZYLIQ with 4+ years of development.

4. Ask for a Demo/Pilot and see for yourself

Many late-entry companies are saying they can deliver Gen-Ai, but they are building their models as they promote. Take note of how much of their process brings true automation. Or better yet, ask us for a pilot of ZYLIQ to see it's effectiveness with your own data/systems.

So perhaps, to make the noise die down you can simply ask those to “put up or shut up”. Put ZYLIQ to the test and see what our years of development and customer-proven success is all about.

To book 30 min with us just Click here

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